The digital home of Captain Starlight.
About Starlight Children's Foundation.
What is Planet Starlight?
Planet Starlight is a place for children to connect with the fun of Captain Starlight.
Who is Captain Starlight?
Captain Starlight is a superhero from outer space, who makes hospital fun. You will find our Captain Starlight entertains children on Planet Starlight through livestreams, games and activities.
Who is my child speaking to?
Our purpose-built Safe Chat Function allows kids to only communicate with Captain Starlight. They cannot communicate with other children.
Is Planet Starlight safe?
Safeguarding children and young people is a priority for all programs delivered by the Starlight Children's Foundation. Please see our Safety Policy for more information.
What content is shared in the chat?
Planet Starlight allows children to vote and comment on the action in our livestreams. In between our live shows, Captain Starlight is in the chat play games with kids that stop by.
How are you using the information provided?
No specific information about your child is stored on our platform. All information shared is deidentified, location information is used to support and better develop our work with hospitals around Australia, and support Captain Starlight's engagement with your child.
Can my child chat to other people in the chat?
No. The Planet Starlight chat function only makes your child's chat with Captain Starlight visible to them. Other conversations happening on the site to Captain Starlight are inaccessible to your child.
Is there an age restriction?
Planet Starlight is recommended for children 12 and under. For young people older than 12, we recommend another Starlight program Livewire Online, designed specifically for young people.
What happens if there is inappropriate behaviour?
Planet Starlight is a place for fun, kind and respectful experiences. We believe strongly in creating an environment that promotes positive digital behaviours. Occasionally the need will arise for Captain Starlight to directly manage a child's behaviour. The child will be given 2 warnings before being restricted to chat in a timeout for a period of time. During this timeout, they will still have access to our content but will be unable to use the chat feature. In all cases the child will be encouraged to behave in a kind, supportive, respectful and safe manner.
Who can I contact if I have questions about my child's activity?
If you have questions about your child's activity on Planet Starlight, please contact us on ????