Please share your cool creations so we can show them on the Wall of Fame!
I am sharing a pice of art that took me 2 years to finish I took that much care and time with it
I love to draw
It's a cat but from planet starlight flying to earth with a jetpack!!!!
Some paper flowers to show my appreciation to the captain starlight team💜💛
Planet Starlight!!!!!!!
Team effort with Captain Starlight!
The Dinosaur we made on Lunar Lounge!
Puzzle in RCH!
Bird in progress - RCH team are collaborating on a giant creature today and we will fly it around the room at the end of the day.
It’s a fruit bowl it’s the best thing ever!!
Rainbow Jellyfish with a Crown!
Box fish with scales and TONGUE!
Rainbow fish with an M for a tail, smiling!
Dog Dog Dog
A star planet with all different terrains
Hello I am back I am excited to be here again and I used paint markers to make this dolphin
A snowman and a Cat
Firework Challenge!
Magical goanna
Space Computer and Nonna Bot eating computer chips and cookies
I have a dream artwork after watching the rise and shine show with Captain Llama 💓
Art I made for Monash ser
I Made A Rainbow Tower
Captain LaDiDah Coloured In A Beautiful Picture of A Unicorn and Captain Noisy Added The Final Touches
This Is The Hulk Roooooooooarrrr. The Hulk Has Black Hair And Is Very Green.
I have a dream artwork after watching captain Llama on the rise and shine show. I hope you like it 💓
Woooo Painting is fun!
This Painting Is AMAZING!
Wow This Painting Is So Cool
I Hope You Like It!
I made a rocket ship!
I played the Starlight Pets Game - check out how I've decorated
I drew Iris on Planet Starlight
2025 Calendar!
Captain Noisy and his BFFs
Bill Cipher and Pyramid Steve actually enjoying each others company!
Picture was done by Conor from livewire but it deserves to be seen!
Captain Starlight riding a skateboard to the moon!
This art was created in the RCH art room. We have been loving all things WICKED!
Silly Billy's weekend
A picture of a birthday cake I made for my friend’s birthday. That is tomorrow.
Funny picture of Captain noisy
This is for Robert and Steve Irwin
Snake cat in a sea
A collaborative under water works complete with a poem. All made by multiple kids at the Art table today
Painting on his own. While he was painting a shell washed up. And now he’s meditating whilst painting the ocean
Waaaaaaluigiiiiiiiii! WAAAALUUUUUUIIIIIIGIIIIIII (to the tune of Hallelujah)
Baby Starlight
Completed the PlaySpace Puzzle!
Origami Dolphin
I made a bracelet
Koala Colouring
Frozen Colouring
Starlight in a rocket going over a rainbow in space!
I got these on new years eve
It's a rainbow and stencil shapes! I am also a great musician.
a Festive Reindeer Gel Art! Hope you like it! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I Found An Empty Bird Egg On The Concrete
I Made A Gingerbread House
American Orange
Starlight Themed Lizard
I finished the Puzzle from the Playspace
Glitter Presents
A Kristmas Kharacter
The Elf isnt on the shelf anymore
Starlight Colouring In
Captain Waves Gorgini Earrings! Noisey Rulez!
I drew a colour by numbers for Mum to colour!
Captain Springy is a tall captain
Captain rat at the starlight express room at womans and children’s hospital said that Nanna starlight needs this bag I made it’s the starlight logo
Christmas cards
Look at this beautiful thing to play with yesterday
A rocketship for my Llama
Aliens attacked the rocketship!
I made 57 christmas biscuits and they didn't all fit in the photo
A Mooing Cow
A Bouncy Ball Factory
Captain Silly Billy challenged me to draw a cake!
Captain Flipper showed me how to make this on Rise and Shine but I did cockatoos instead of chicks or as my dad would say deck eaters instead of chicks
Reverse Colouring In!
Sand art
I drew a lotus flower!
My beach design!
Captain Comet and Captain Woo showed me how to make these frogs on Rise & Shine.
The Captains singing a celebration song.
We have been decorating our room as outback Australia. We are super proud of our gum leaves and bird section
My Epic Magnetic Ball Run! Thanks Captains!
Merry Christmas To All Captain Starlights
I made this on my birthday how cool!
A bunny called cotton candy. She has a teeny tiny butterfly friend on her head.
Butterfly hat - made in the wch (adelaide) starlight room.
The super rainbow and the fox are cute and the whale looks unique
Captain Flipper showed me how to make this crown at Rise and Shine and I used tinfoil from chocolate wrappers to make the jewels and old paper with writing on it to join the crown together.
Captain Chooky showed me how to make this at Rise and Shine.
It took me a few days I think but it is worth the wait!
Scrap Paper Doughnut
Captain Noisy is a poop head
I drew starlights updated logo but have a startastic day
Planet Starlight finally has devices to play with like at Earth
A cute tropical bracelet I made
French Fries and Tomato Sauce
My scrap paper friend called Munchkin
My Birds From Craft Time
Another sunset 🌅. I had to do so many layers of colours to get this to look how it is now! I’m happy really happy with the end result
Captain Crinkles is the best
Captain Starlight is cool
Lost in Space
I really liked drawing this picture
This is a pretty sunset, I only started painting this year!
A sunset with birds grass and field
Watermelon pencil pot I made out of a tin and paper and glue.
Colouring of Doc Mcstuffins and Stuffy from Doc Mcstuffins Toy Hospital
I made a flower for Diwali
Captain Lingo showed me how to make these on Lunar Lounge show
I drew u ,captain
I drew Vader for my favourite movie
Here is what she looks like. And I am next to her
My Dot Lizard
I made a pony house and a little one for Twilight sparkle
Love drawing the rocket
Love Drawing
This Dimond painting took me 2 weeks
I drew this on my Ipad
This is a portrait of my bunny
I baked chocolate cupcakes with choc buttercream
This is Captain Noisy as King Stinky Pants. He has many boogers and stinks bad.
This is Captain Ladidah, she has a burger for a head.
A scrap paper cupcake!
Pen the Bat
Snowmie the Snowman.
Bat 🦇 pumpkin 🎃
A light up love heart
Bean the Turtle
A vampire pirate bag, named Tomeh
I worked really hard to make this perfect
Coolest Cow in the World
Millions of Beaches!
My School Mate!
Sparkling Starlight Star!
Captain Rat is so cool
Spidey and his amazing friends colouring
Lizzy's Drawing
Bluey Colouring
My Picasso style picture of Captain Llama with help from the Cadets in the Lunar Lounge
A Pencil Case Made for the Captains
My name is Naman. I love drawing, colouring and painting
Booger chips full of salty booooooggggeeeeeerrrrssssss!!!!
Leo Leopard Kasey Rainbow showed me how to make!
Spidey and his Awesome friends colouring
A pirate Stegasaurus Captain Llama showed me how to make on the Rise and Shine show
Origami frogs Captain Comet showed me on the Rise and Shine show
Miles from Spidey and his amazing friends
One is Minecraft One is Robotworld
Aviana and Captain Snazzy sitting on beanbags to watch Bluey
I made Nugget out of gloves. He has hair and pants for his three legs and he can fly.
Captain Popcorn!!
All the animals that visited the hospital
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I’m the best at craft
Captain Popcorn
Graduation Puppy
A song Captain Chooky and I wrote to try and convince Nana Starlight to let him go on holiday to Bali
I drew Planet Starlight
Beginning of Cross Stitch
This is Captain Froggy, he has a starlight backpack on!
Spreading the love
This is my picture of Harley Quinn and she is evil and her boyfriend is the Joker.
Sand Art
This is a Robot , It is made of 3 Cups , Foil , Straw , 2 Wooden Pegs , Cardboard Basket , 2 Plastic Eyes and Black Marker / Texter
I made a pot out of a milk bottle, glue, paint and a sharpie with Baby Box Cat and Cakey Cat and used it to plant some seeds in it that I won in a game I played at school.
My candy land diorama
Captain Rat and Captain Ladidah on the dare show!!
Hope you love it
Spotty and Stripey the Circus Rolls
I made a birdhouse
Taekwondo Animals made and named on Rise and Shine! Shout out to Lexi and Jack for their extra help
Colourful Block House
I'm from RCH
RCH has a Quokka drawing contest. Here was Dizz-Knees entry.
The Starlight Fox. That was inspired by the Starlight Olympics and was doing backflips and gymnastics
A team collaboration- Gecko swimming in the lake!
I made a tuna milkshake. I used sundae body wash soap for the whipped cream and made the chocolate fish and sprinkles out of paper and felt pens.
A snake in the sun. My scratch art ☺️
We played the drawing game and here is how our monsters turned out. Very funny
A flower of hope
Noise and EA drew Dizz-Knee attempting to collect points with the kids so we can best SA hahaha
A drawing of. Kangaroo with wings and a kookaburra, a fox, bear, red panda, rabbit, bird, wallaby, dingo, jackrabbit and dinosaur.
Stary Fish from planet starlight
Who doesn’t love a cute little rainbow ☺️
Stary Turtle from planet starlight
A cute Fluffy Duck
A Stary Dolphin from planet starlight.
Goanna inspired by the song inanay ❤️
Harry Potter Girls House
Monash, Vic
I made this for Starlit
This is a mirror image of Captain Rat
A drawing of space
The glitter pens so shiny
A drawing of king pig by crinkles of kai's plushy
A cursed Elsa request :) at Starlight Express Room
Captain Starlight is awesome!
Chatter Boxes and a swan pond.
Captain Crinkle had a great day!
Look Captain Silly Billy I made a Cockatoo!
I Drew Captain Starlight
I drew a picture of cupcakes because I love to bake cupcakes and I love to eat cupcakes 🧁
I accepted a challenge from two Starlight Captains and this is the result. I had a lot of fun colouring in the lizard in Starlight colours, and this lizard is also a colouring in from the starlight room. #theStarlightRoomisawesome
I'm going to a disco
DIY Easter Craft
A friendship spaceship!
Princess Starlight
It's of space
This is my BEAUTIFUL picture of earth!
I made a watermelon!
Friends Forever + Minnie Mouse + Mermaid
I made bracelets
Bill Cipher seeing pizza for the first time
Some shades of blue
A girl that loves fairy floss wearing a dress
Bill Cipher and Pyramid Steve looking at the stars. 🌟
I got some squishy toys
Please share your cool creations so that we can show them on the Wall of Fame!